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Posted: April 26th, 2011, 10:40 am
by RobLucci
hey guys! this is my first post on philosophy category. have you ever ask this questions-where does self comes from? who am i? im not referring to names or bio data. im referring to consciousness that defines our existence. it bothers me. is there something inside us that already exist before we born? or everything on us has beginning? Filipinos are very religious but im different, im on science. im born catholic but i as grow older i no longer believe on my beliefs and i choose the path of science. but science has no explanation on self. maybe in some future time. the more im aware of my existence the more i doubt that i was created. what do you think people? i would be happy to know your opinion :)

Re: self

Posted: May 1st, 2011, 4:44 am
by Trazlo
RobLucci wrote:im referring to consciousness that defines our existence.
Have you considered that maybe our existence defines our consciousness and that our consciousness does not define our existence?

Re: self

Posted: September 13th, 2012, 12:39 am
by Execrated
Our 'self' is all we have. This world, the computer, the site - it might not exist beyond the boundaries of your mind. You might actually be an immobile rock, dreaming of being 'human'.
in my opinion, your mind, your thoughts make you a 'self'

Re: self

Posted: September 13th, 2012, 4:51 pm
by Kestrel0907
Self is actually the personality you have constructed from your birth untill your death.
Oh well,it is unknown if these words are true,since we cannot perceive the 4th dimension,probably some parts of the human body are invisible to us in our so called ,,3 dimensional world" and are visible to the fourth dimension.

Re: self

Posted: September 14th, 2012, 8:58 pm
by Execrated
that is a very scary though, Kestrel...
i wonder what my tail looks like in this fourth dimension....

Re: self

Posted: September 15th, 2012, 5:20 am
by Kestrel0907
Execrated wrote:that is a very scary though, Kestrel...
i wonder what my tail looks like in this fourth dimension....

Re: self

Posted: December 8th, 2012, 2:25 pm
by Gracono
Everything is energy. Energy is neither created or destroyed.

By those merits I personally believe the following:

Reincarnation happens. Our consciousness....our personality...our is the qualities characteristics and traits of the eternal energetic essence that is who we are. The body is but a vessel for the spirit. Spirit is energy. Your self in that sense would be your soul.

Re: self

Posted: February 24th, 2013, 11:28 pm
by Monster
Our self is not our mind, our self is what we do with our minds. Like gracono said our bodies are vessels for the spirit. Our self is a spirit figure that resides inside our body and precieves the world using the five senses our body is equip with. Non of these five senses can percieve the soul within us that is our self but that doesn't mean that it isn't there.